Monday, March 21, 2011

Apologies for my Absence

I am a terrible updater, there's no doubt about it.  But I will endeavor to update with a little more regularity (or at least mention when I'll be falling off the face of the planet). 

While I've been gone, I have downloaded 2 new apps that are phenomenal (for Apple, not PC, sorry).  I would like to share them with you after the jump...

YummySoup! has become such a well-integrated part of my kitchen, I don't know how I survived without it (well, I do, but I'm glad I have it).  It cost $10 and since it has become my cook book of Internet recipes, I think that's a pretty good deal.

Basically, I use my laptop in the kitchen ALL THE TIME.  I was forever having to bookmark and look up my favorite recipes across many websites and indeed that was a big part of the reason behind this blog -- linking to recipes I loved so that my friends could share in them and so that I wouldn't lose track of them!  But this little program allows me to import them with a single click!  It lets me arrange them however I want, it auto tags and sorts them into the appropriate category!  It even allows me to recipecast (aka, blog?  Podcast?) my favorite recipes to the broader community.  Not that I need that, I have this delightful blog.  If your friends also have this program, you can share recipes easily and whatever your friends send you will be filed and sorted as well!  Heaven!  I can't say enough good things about this program.  It seems to be still in development, but even at this stage: LOVE. IT.


The name seems like a joke, but this handy little app is anything but!  It's free (yay!) and seems to be just as effective as the more expensive Things app (srsly, $50).  I have combined this with Evernote and so far have not had any problems getting myself together.  As you can see from the screen-shot: you can break down big tasks into smaller steps, you can upload files and sync with other devices (which if I get anything smaller than this computer, means I can haul around shopping lists, etc.).  This basically means you can make your calendar more effective if you are the kind of person ::cough::me::coughcough:: who can put things off for too long.

I'm still organizing my life into this, but it is helping me a LOT.  Things show up as often as you schedule them.  They also appear until they are completed.  You can set end dates, etc.  And I promise to add "update blog" to my Chores.

BONUS for all Computer Users (Mac/PC/Linux)...
Do you find yourself on the computer far too late into the night?  Do you suffer from technology-related insomnia?  You might and might not even know that you do!

Please let me recommend f.lux.  

Long story short -- f.lux makes the colors in your computer display adapt to the time of day.  Computer screens are designed to look like the sun.  But that's not the best for you or your sleep when it is 9pm or 3am.  This is a FREE download.  Tell it where you live, tell it the kind of indoor lighting you use, and it will do the rest.

Image: Screen Captures for YummySoup! and iProcrastinate are taken by me.  I release them under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license.

Image: The f.lux logo, I have no permission to share BUT they are getting free advertising from its use so...if they have any problems, I'll take it down; but I doubt there is any concern in this context.

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