Wednesday, October 27, 2010

This is what it should look like

My neighbor is super awesome.  She went shopping with me last week and when I bought those chicken breasts on sale, she jumped right in and bought some of her own...without realizing they were bone-in and included skin.  This is not something that she has ever dealt with before but rather than panic, she did what I suggested earlier we should all do more of...she used the Internet as her menu-planning friend.  I've included my own summary and a copy of the recipe below the fold...

First she googled "how to debone a chicken breast" and found this extraordinarily helpful video:

After deboning her chicken, she looked at what was left in her kitchen and pantry and made up a recipe on the spot.  Color me crazy impressed.  And a little jealous.  This recipe sounds amazing!  As soon as I can, I'm trying this sucker out!

Here's the recipe, as she posted it, ganked (completely with permission) off her blog:

Bacon Chicken (actual made-up recipe)

2 breasts of chicken (I got to de-bone them myself! First time!)
1/2lb bacon
3/4 stick butter
1 sweet apple (like Red Delicious or Fuji - I used Fuji)
lemon juice to taste
salt & pepper

Preheat oven to 450º
Take the butter and heat in a small saucepan on low heat. Add a few dashes of lemon juice, the salt, and pepper (I used a lot of pepper to make that counter all the sweetness in the recipe). Once that's melted, put into a bowl to cool.

Grease casserole dish. Slice apple into thin slices and put half of it on the bottom of the dish.

Wash & de-bone chicken (if needed). Cover in butter mixture. Wrap 4-5 slices of bacon around each breast (depending on size of breast/size of bacon). Put them into casserole dish.

Put remaining apple slices on top. Cover dish & put into oven for about 45min. Let cool covered for 10-15min.

Be careful as dish is AWESOME!

Works well with a sweet red or cab. sav.

Like I said, I'm totally psyched for her new recipe and the minute I heard her story I asked for her permission to share if with all of you on the Internet. (And save it here for my future reference!)  Flexibility in meal planning, bravery in the kitchen, grace under fire -- this is what it looks like!  Yay, neighbor!

Image: Kitchen in the Summer House a Creative Commons Attribution (2.0) image from Jonathan Lundqvist's photostream

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